Audy's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,31563,432lederhosenVarious tools for OTU clustering
219,61330,305dnaSimple FASTA/FASTQ/QSEQ parser library for Ruby.
325,87941,916catsayLike cowsay but with cats
431,97963,432basilSplit multiplexed Illumina/454/IonTorrent/etc... output by barcode
583,62863,432thrashRandomly write to many, many files using an in-memory buffer
689,44463,432genome-pipelineGenome processing filters and utilities
792,64563,432forageForage is grep for nucleotide data. With Forage, you can grep nucleotide sequences in F...
898,88363,432normcoreGenerate random numbers from a Normal/Gaussian distribution
9107,39663,432pipetPipet is a package manager for bioinformatics databases that allows users to easily ret...
10108,66363,432BasilSeparate Illumin and 454 sequence output by barcode
11149,26363,432over90009001.over_9000? # => true. For fun
12155,80163,432memeliciousIdentify and parse internet "memes" in Ruby.