1 | 30,825 | 86,038 | agent_cooper | A Ruby wrapper to the eBay Web Services API |
2 | 34,351 | 86,038 | muffins | An Object to XML/HTML mapping library using Virtus and Nokogiri |
3 | 61,697 | 28,793 | tubular | Helper to quickly and easily generate HTML tables |
4 | 64,358 | 86,038 | basecamper | Basecamp API Wrapper |
5 | 66,123 | 86,038 | cut | A Scraping DSL |
6 | 84,361 | 86,038 | eggnog | Nokogiri Mixin - Converts Nodes to a Hash |
7 | 86,299 | 86,038 | motion_coercible | RubyMotion port of coercible |
8 | 86,667 | 86,038 | parkeon | A Ruby wrapper to access the Parkeon parking meter API |
9 | 106,428 | 86,038 | motion_abstract_type | A RubyMotion port of abstract_type |
10 | 121,321 | 86,038 | better_open_struct | BetterOpenStruct is a subclass of OpenStruct that recursively wraps attribute hashes in... |
11 | 125,690 | 53,556 | lady_gaga | A minimalistic Ruby Wrapper to the Endicia API |
12 | 128,564 | 86,038 | motion_virtus | A RubyMotion port of virtus |
13 | 142,323 | 86,038 | motion_descendants_tracker | A RubyMotion port of descendants_tracker |
14 | 142,942 | 53,556 | gtfs-orm | GTFS -> Ruby Object Mapper |
15 | 143,867 | 86,038 | rb_kd_tree | A KDTree Library |