Meltingice's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,5554,569sidekiq-gelfGELF logging for Sidekiq
211,1926,648psdParse Photoshop PSD files with ease
315,39814,438psd-enginedataParser for the markup format used in the PSD file format
417,86963,432apple-newsFully-featured library for fetching and creating content with the Apple News API.
524,92711,043psd_nativeNative mixins to speed up PSD.rb
625,09763,432ajax-chosen-railsChosen is a javascript library of select box enhancer for jQuery and Protoype. This gem...
739,20841,916disk_storeCache files the smart way.
839,23263,432aseReader/writer for Adobe Swatch Exchange files
960,53863,432escapementGiven a HTML formatted string, escapement will extract descendant tags into a device ag...
1081,32663,432flickr-storeStore arbitrary data with your 1TB Flickr cloud drive.
1187,66163,432layervaultThe LayerVault Ruby API client.
1288,14963,432git-lfs-s3A Git LFS server that uses S3 for the storage backend.
1390,86463,432twitpic-fullProvides full and simple to use access to the TwitPic API, including photo uploads
1491,53730,305divergenceMap subdomains to git branches for switching live codebases on the fly. It's a Rack app...
15102,14541,916deviantElasticsearch backed exception logging
16104,67530,305png-encodeEncode/decode arbitrary data within the PNG file format
17106,83363,432lv-jekyll-pluginsJekyll plugins for LayerVault public pages
18135,15163,432omniauth-layervaultOfficial OmniAuth strategy for LayerVault
19143,75263,432nano-walletA library for generating account private/public keys and addresses for the Nano cryptoc...
20168,57230,305ed25519_blake2bRuby library for ed25519, but with blake2b as the hashing function as required by the N...