Craigulliott's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
123,76286,038dynamic_modelsMethods to get and build models directly from parameters. Useful for DRYing up code, s...
250,60020,749dsl_composeRuby gem to add dynamic DSLs to classes. DSLs are added to classes by including the DSL...
353,72886,038development_mail_interceptorcatches emails generated in the developer environment and sends them to the ENV['DEVELO...
456,32242,025dynamic_migrationsMonitor and generate database migrations based on difference between current schema and...
556,94286,038spreadsheetxUsing an existing xlsx file as a template, it allows you to modify cell values and add ...
671,64753,556json_output_helperActionController helper to normalize JSON output
773,52842,025hot_bodyAdds a body_id and body_class helper method for utilitarian CSS and JS
883,26442,025pg_spec_helperHelper class for setting up and easily tearing down PostgreSQL database objects within ...
9124,44686,038georuby_boxcreates (W)ell(K)nown(T)ext bounding boxes from points
10125,04886,038formtastic_inputssome formtastic inputs i often use - this is a work in progress
11131,54186,038string_to_pointvery basic geocoding, returns a Point model from a string
12171,68253,556class_spec_helperRuby gem to create named classes for use within your specs, and then clear them out aut...
13180,72386,038platformerEasily create highly scalable and performant SaaS platforms through configuration