Georgedrummond's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,07063,432mafiaGenerator to create sinatra apps that are also gems
234,17141,916ghoulGhoul is a simple yet good looking interface for your git repositories written in sinat...
337,27163,432georgedrummond_sinatra_helpersThis is a collection of common helper methods that I use within my Sinatra apps. They h...
454,34563,432cloudwatchCloudwatch gem
580,29063,432gemjarOfficial GemJar HQ RubyGem.
691,61641,916ghoul_guidesThis will be the ghoul guides
7112,84063,432wikipaddle_apiProtobuf client and server for the Wikipaddle API
8122,56663,432ghoul_grackGRack for use in Ghoul. Original code by Scott Chacon
9126,43363,432gdata-georgedrummondThis gem provides a set of wrappers designed to make it easy to work with the Google D...
10126,44863,432georgedrummond-contactsA universal interface to grab contact list information from various providers including...
11127,74163,432georgedrummond-active_paypal_adaptive_paymentThis library is meant to interface with PayPal's Adaptive Payment Gateway.
12128,29463,432github_analyzeAnalyze GitHub organizations for language data. Check documentation at https://github.c...
13129,68063,432insyncA simple tool to let you know which git repositories in a folder are either behind, ahe...
14134,32963,432gemjarhqAlias for the gemjar Gem
15137,54763,432github-jobsA simple gem for querying the Github jobs api
16145,62963,432hoardWork in progress
17147,82063,432travis_bundle_cache-rentifyCache the gem bundle for speedy travis builds
18148,25763,432jobrocketWrite a gem description
19148,71663,432omniauth-jobrocketWrite a gem description
20150,93363,432talentrocketPlaceholder gem for recruitment app
21158,46663,432introduceAPI wrapper for Introduce (
22164,62363,432wikipaddle_cartographerClient library for the cartographer service.
23167,85363,432dynamic_resizeWrite a longer description. Optional.
24174,74263,432tunnelupTunnelup cli
25178,80363,432wikipaddle_internal_apiProtobuf client and server for the Wikipaddle Internal API