1 | 38,144 | 42,025 | rubygems-openpgp | Digitally sign gems via OpenPGP. |
2 | 51,242 | 86,038 | chore | System health tool for everyone |
3 | 69,303 | 86,038 | geomancer | Simple wrapper around various geolocation services |
4 | 73,137 | 86,038 | uuidify | Generate uuids for models |
5 | 75,030 | 35,920 | gpg_status_parser | Turns structured status messages provided by gpg into ruby objects for easy manipulatio... |
6 | 75,446 | 42,025 | bmf | Browse bitmessages in a forum-like environment. |
7 | 130,628 | 86,038 | openpgp_signed_hola | A hello world app to test OpenPGP signing with rubygems.org |
8 | 139,672 | 86,038 | nillify | Adds .to_nil methods to Object. We have to_s and to_i, why not to_nil? |
9 | 143,628 | 86,038 | miniprof | Simple tool to assist with manual profiling |
10 | 172,245 | 86,038 | mmana2nec | Utility to convert various antenna model formats. |