Kgo's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
138,25614,438rubygems-openpgpDigitally sign gems via OpenPGP.
251,35363,432choreSystem health tool for everyone
369,44163,432geomancerSimple wrapper around various geolocation services
473,26763,432uuidifyGenerate uuids for models
575,17763,432gpg_status_parserTurns structured status messages provided by gpg into ruby objects for easy manipulatio...
675,54163,432bmfBrowse bitmessages in a forum-like environment.
7130,81263,432openpgp_signed_holaA hello world app to test OpenPGP signing with
8139,88063,432nillifyAdds .to_nil methods to Object. We have to_s and to_i, why not to_nil?
9143,83263,432miniprofSimple tool to assist with manual profiling
10172,38063,432mmana2necUtility to convert various antenna model formats.