1 | 15,926 | 9,566 | locastyle | This gem provides the framework Locastyle for your ruby application. |
2 | 62,134 | 38,694 | babel_i18n | This Ruby library allows to translate files locale dictionaries and provides methods to... |
3 | 77,755 | 74,510 | sigiss | Ruby gem para integração com o sistema SIGISS para emissão de Notas Fiscais Eletrônicas. |
4 | 90,526 | 33,946 | mega_sena | Generate random numbers to Brazilian Lottery (MegaSena) |
5 | 133,590 | 74,510 | telemetria | Ruby Agent to collect and send data for Telemetria |
6 | 158,645 | 47,329 | omniauth-traycheckout | OmniAuth strategy for TrayCheckout. |