Kmahan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
144,87157,505AmazonEchoJSAmazonEchoJS is an executable to monitor Amazon echo for voice commands.
251,04357,505real_time_railsA gem to enable seamless websocket integration with rails.
361,33657,505twilioauth2 factor auth for twilio
463,30657,505winkerWinker is a gem written to support the wink api and any other associated platforms.
566,29457,505WinkerAIWinkerAI is an AI approach to controlling Wink hub components by making use of the Wink...
695,37257,505duo-restGem interface for Duo security rest api
7113,22957,505hash_subtractionhash_subtraction is a gem that provides methods for different subtractive methods for h...
8134,59657,505smart_cacheSmart Cache
9156,80457,505tmdb-moviesA gem for easy access to's api.