Ripienaar's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,4313,135jgrepCompare a list of json documents to a simple logical language and returns matches as ou...
24,8946,484choria-mcorpc-supportLibraries enabling Ruby support for the Choria Orchestration Server
35,44926,609hiera-puppetStore and query Hiera data from Puppet
414,82486,038ruby-nagiosManage alerts, checks and acks in bulk
518,90223,626graphite_graphDSL for generating Graphite graphs
619,79428,793mcollective-testHelpers, matchers and other utilities for writing agent, application and integration tests
720,83516,361gwtfA Unix cli centric todo manager
823,41353,556travlrmapdescription: Sinatra based map builder
933,50686,038oldskooldescription: Pluggable web command line
1035,60426,609hiera-jsonStore Hiera data in JSON
1140,49786,038oldskool-gcsedescription: Google Custom Search plugin for Oldskool
1242,49986,038gdashA simple dashboard for creating and displaying Graphite graphs
1344,62486,038snipperA Unix CLI centric snippet manager that produces static files
1446,85742,025puppet_agent_mgrA simple library that wraps the logic around the locks, pids, JSON filesu and YAML file...
1547,27953,556oldskool-puppetdescription: Generate documentation for Puppet types
1657,81126,609mod_auth_openid_loginpageA generic login page for mod_auth_openid that can be installed for a sitewide prompt
1771,07486,038emnGet Pushover notification when your characters get mail
1872,61186,038passmakrCreates various types of passwords and shows them in often used formats
1973,54786,038oldskool-passworddescription: Generate random passwords in Oldskool using the passmakr gem
2079,47086,038frenderRenders config files from input data in YAML format using a variety of template languages
2185,90586,038typhonSingle daemon that tails many files and route lines through your own logic
2289,89586,038oldskool-ipinfodbdescription: Display IP information from
23122,59486,038crossroadsA router that consumes STOMP middleware and routes data to other destinations based on ...
24158,68886,038noteikumidescription: Light weight Rule Engine