Hughevans's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
121,04533,190pagedown-bootstrap-railsPageDown Bootstrap for the Rails asset pipeline
245,37760,975to_pdfRender rails actions as a PDF using PrinceXML.
355,28860,975tasteful_routesAn opinionated variation of the standard Rails RESTful routes t...
478,42940,825tableau_trusted_interfaceThe Tableau trusted interface allows you to embed Tableau workbooks from a Tableau serv...
5114,73160,975ckeditor_assetsCKEditor assets for the Rails 3.1 asset pipeline.
6133,98560,975mustache-trimmer-railsRuby lib that compiles Mustache templates into pure Javascript
7140,14260,975prince_mergeA mail merge for developers.