1 | 29,014 | 86,038 | abbey | Primitive JSON data store. Key-value structure with namespaces. |
2 | 46,846 | 26,609 | herbert | Herbert makes development of JSON REST API servers ridiculously simple.
It provides a s... |
3 | 58,236 | 86,038 | dblpbib | Automatically create bibliographies for BibTeX DBLP
references. This utility is meant t... |
4 | 68,071 | 86,038 | spark_rb | Ruby "port" of Zach Holman's Spark. For the sake of Rubygems packaging & better integra... |
5 | 68,336 | 42,025 | libcbor | CBOR (Concise Binary Object Representation) implementation based on the libcbor C libra... |
6 | 103,352 | 53,556 | zvv-cli | CLI for Swiss public transport network |