1 | 3,746 | 6,352 | autodoc | Auto-generate JSON API documents from your request-specs. |
2 | 3,955 | 6,187 | rspec-json_matcher | This library provides RSpec matcher for testing JSON string. |
3 | 4,319 | 6,540 | rspec-request_describer | An RSpec plugin to write self-documenting request-specs. |
4 | 5,111 | 3,467 | view_source_map | This is a Rails plugin to insert the path name of a rendered partial view as HTML comme... |
5 | 5,188 | 5,386 | weak_parameters | Add a validation filter to your controller. |
6 | 6,888 | 6,892 | rubocop-migration | RuboCop extension focused on ActiveRecord migration. |
7 | 8,241 | 8,577 | jdoc | Generate API documentation from JSON Schema. |
8 | 8,622 | 12,281 | rack-json_schema | JSON Schema based Rack middlewares |
9 | 8,647 | 7,048 | mem | Memoize method calls. |
10 | 9,974 | 10,496 | response_code_matchers | Provide rspec matchers to match http response code |
11 | 10,143 | 33,893 | chanko | Chanko is a Rails extension tool |
12 | 10,145 | 16,657 | activerecord-belongs_to_if | Allows you to manage preload condition by `:if` condition. |
13 | 10,446 | 9,056 | danger-suggester | A Danger plug-in to suggest code changes through inline comments in pull requests. |
14 | 10,658 | 8,124 | rack-ok | Rack middleware to return OK. |
15 | 11,051 | 7,665 | slimi | Yet another implementation for Slim template language. |
16 | 11,330 | 61,367 | json_world | Provides DSL to define JSON Schema representation of your class. |
17 | 11,872 | 10,377 | chrono | Provides a chain of logics about chronology. |
18 | 12,236 | 8,315 | templatecop | RuboCop runner framework for template language. |
19 | 12,385 | 6,271 | weneedfeed | Generate feeds from URL and selectors. |
20 | 12,966 | 11,682 | slimcop | RuboCop runner for Slim template. |
21 | 13,058 | 16,044 | serverkit | Assemble servers from your recipe. |
22 | 13,422 | 6,220 | rack-capture | Generate static files from Rack application and URLs. |
23 | 13,536 | 6,336 | hibana | A small rack-based web application framework. |
24 | 13,912 | 61,367 | amakanize | Utilities to canonicalize Japanese comic series names and author names. |
25 | 16,724 | 13,506 | markdiff | Rendered Markdown differ. |
26 | 17,488 | 61,367 | somemoji | A grand unified emoji mapper for some emoji providers. |
27 | 18,783 | 41,086 | ruboty | Ruby + Bot = Ruboty |
28 | 18,852 | 21,627 | sevencop | Opinionated custom cops for RuboCop. |
29 | 21,727 | 8,458 | rubocop-slim | RuboCop plugin for Slim template. |
30 | 21,776 | 61,367 | ellen | A chatterbot framework, inspired by Hubot |
31 | 22,040 | 61,367 | rails_kwargs_testing | Provides Rails 5 compatible testing methods for gradual migration from Rails 4 to 5. |
32 | 25,475 | 33,893 | syoboi_calendar | An API Client library for http://cal.syoboi.jp/ written in Ruby. |
33 | 26,183 | 61,367 | chiver | a simple archive system using sinatra and markdown |
34 | 26,230 | 16,657 | guideline | Guideline.gem checks that your code is protectingthe rule of coding guideline |
35 | 26,476 | 61,367 | chatroid | Chatroid is a gem for quickly creating chatterbot in Ruby |
36 | 27,217 | 15,060 | magi | I am Magi. |
37 | 28,409 | 8,230 | hamli | Yet another implementation for Haml template language. |
38 | 28,540 | 17,333 | serverkit-aws | Serverkit plug-in for Amazon Web Services (AWS). |
39 | 28,594 | 7,084 | rubocop-erb | RuboCop plugin for ERB template. |
40 | 28,677 | 61,367 | xrc | XMPP Ruby Client. |
41 | 30,974 | 61,367 | rapa | An API client library for Amazon Product Advertising API, written in Ruby. |
42 | 32,440 | 61,367 | rack-spec | JSON Schema based Rack middlewares |
43 | 32,584 | 61,367 | plz | JSON Schema based command line HTTP client. |
44 | 33,104 | 61,367 | ikku | Discover haiku from text. |
45 | 33,950 | 61,367 | erbcop | RuboCop runner for ERB template. |
46 | 34,357 | 61,367 | restaurant | Restraunt serves your data via auto-defined RESTful API on your rails application. |
47 | 35,639 | 61,367 | weather_hacker | Library for Livedoor Weather Web Service |
48 | 37,650 | 61,367 | code_hunter | Hunt out weak spots in your rails application |
49 | 37,658 | 41,086 | rdmm | An API Client library for DMM Web Service written in Ruby. |
50 | 41,459 | 61,367 | sitespec | Generate static site from your rack application & test files |
51 | 41,491 | 61,367 | zircon | Zircon is a mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates. |
52 | 41,948 | 61,367 | ruboty-slack | Slack adapter for Ruboty. |
53 | 42,065 | 61,367 | serverkit-rbenv | Serverkit plug-in for rbenv |
54 | 42,307 | 10,377 | hamlcop | RuboCop runner for Haml template. |
55 | 44,048 | 61,367 | docomoru | Client library for docomo API written in Ruby. |
56 | 44,161 | 19,101 | nyanko | Nyanko is a Rails extension tool deeply inspired from Chanko |
57 | 44,574 | 61,367 | feed_searcher | FeedSearcher searches RSS feed URLs from the given URL. |
58 | 44,634 | 61,367 | ellen-slack | Slack adapter for Ellen. |
59 | 44,828 | 61,367 | ellen-cron | Mount cron system to Ellen to schedule messages on a specific time. |
60 | 45,008 | 61,367 | ellen-github | Manage GitHub via Ellen. |
61 | 46,161 | 61,367 | ruboty-alias | Remember message alias. |
62 | 46,719 | 16,044 | rubocop-rails_deprecation | RuboCop extension for Rails deprecation. |
63 | 47,504 | 61,367 | ruboty-cron | Mount cron system to Ruboty to schedule messages on a specific time. |
64 | 47,513 | 61,367 | jsonism | Generate HTTP Client from JSON Schema. |
65 | 48,382 | 61,367 | rack-multiplexer | Provides a simple router & dispatcher for Rack. |
66 | 49,141 | 61,367 | ruboty-github | Manage GitHub via Ruboty. |
67 | 50,568 | 41,086 | json-encodable | Make a class encodable into JSON format. |
68 | 51,358 | 61,367 | ruboty-kokodeikku | Ruboty plug-in to find haiku from our daily conversations. |
69 | 52,332 | 61,367 | conditional_counter_cache | Give condition when to increment/decrement counter cache. |
70 | 54,413 | 41,086 | swagger_parser | Swagger schema parser. |
71 | 54,693 | 61,367 | ellen-hipchat | Hipchat adapter for Ellen |
72 | 55,310 | 61,367 | ellen-google_image | An ellen handler to search images from Google. |
73 | 55,423 | 61,367 | ruboty-redis | Store Ruboty's memory in Redis. |
74 | 56,476 | 19,101 | rubocop_todo_corrector | Autocorrect offenses defined in .rubocop_todo.yml. |
75 | 58,119 | 41,086 | vagrant-serverkit | Vagrant plug-in for Serverkit. |
76 | 59,313 | 61,367 | serverkit-homebrew | Serverkit plug-in for Homebrew. |
77 | 60,153 | 61,367 | webtail | Stdin to your browser by WebSocket |
78 | 60,181 | 61,367 | rack-oauth_proxy | Delegates OAuth authentication to other authentication server |
79 | 60,627 | 11,055 | rubocop-haml | RuboCop plugin for Haml template. |
80 | 60,988 | 61,367 | scheman | SQL schema parser. |
81 | 62,080 | 61,367 | ruboty-twitter | An ruboty adapter for twitter. |
82 | 63,248 | 18,157 | petitest | A minimal solid testing framework for Ruby. |
83 | 63,311 | 61,367 | ruboty-twitter_search | Ruboty plug-in to search twitter. |
84 | 64,986 | 61,367 | ruboty-talk | Talk with you if given message didn't match any other handlers. |
85 | 66,739 | 61,367 | ruboty-hipchat | Hipchat adapter for Ruboty |
86 | 70,176 | 61,367 | ellen-syoboi_calendar | Ask today's Japanese anime line-up from cal.syoboi.jp. |
87 | 72,449 | 61,367 | ruboty-google_image | An ruboty handler to search images from Google. |
88 | 74,279 | 41,086 | activerecord-enum_translation | Provides integration between ActiveRecord::Enum and I18n. |
89 | 76,491 | 61,367 | rescue_tracer | Log backtrace when rescue_from is called. |
90 | 78,369 | 41,086 | ruboty-bundler | Ruboty plug-in to manage Gemfile on GitHub repository |
91 | 79,420 | 41,086 | volatile_counter_cache | Provides volatile counter cache logic to ActiveRecord::Base. |
92 | 84,268 | 61,367 | ruboty-google_calendar | Ruboty plug-in to read schedule from Google Calendar. |
93 | 84,317 | 61,367 | avalon | Provide a simple validation method and validator class for Ruby |
94 | 85,711 | 61,367 | ellen-redis | Store Ellen's memory in Redis. |
95 | 85,823 | 61,367 | serverkit-defaults | Serverkit plug-in for defaults(1) of Mac OS X. |
96 | 85,993 | 61,367 | ruboty-syoboi_calendar | Ask today's Japanese anime line-up from cal.syoboi.jp. |
97 | 86,183 | 61,367 | vagrant-multiplug | Vagrant plug-in to manage plug-in dependencies. |
98 | 87,302 | 33,893 | yardspec | Use YARD examples as RSepc examples. |
99 | 87,657 | 61,367 | altria | I am altria. |
100 | 91,567 | 61,367 | rack-mongoid_adapter | A rack application working as an adapter for Mongoid |
101 | 92,291 | 61,367 | rack-mongoid | A rack application working as an adapter for Mongoid |
102 | 95,905 | 61,367 | rucoa | Language server for Ruby. |
103 | 98,127 | 33,893 | metrics_satellite | MetricsSatellite collects your rails application metrics |
104 | 102,998 | 41,086 | iremocon | Iremocon is a gem for managing iRemocon through telnet |
105 | 104,300 | 61,367 | taglog | Taglog provides taggable logger extension |
106 | 104,893 | 41,086 | rnes | A NES emulator written in Ruby. |
107 | 104,926 | 41,086 | ellen-alias | Remember message alias. |
108 | 105,741 | 61,367 | ellen-twitter | An ellen adapter for twitter. |
109 | 106,929 | 61,367 | yoptparse | Command line option parsing with YARD and optparse. |
110 | 107,233 | 61,367 | replicat | master-slave replication helper for ActiveRecord |
111 | 108,215 | 61,367 | ruboty-ruby | Ruboty plug-in to instantly evaluate Ruby code in given message. |
112 | 117,608 | 61,367 | ruboty-replace | Replace given message with registered patterns for other handlers. |
113 | 124,718 | 61,367 | serverkit-atom | Serverkit plug-in for Atom. |
114 | 125,302 | 61,367 | serverkit-s3 | Serverkit plug-in for Amazon Web Services (AWS). |
115 | 125,549 | 61,367 | style_inliner | Inline CSS style rules into style attributes of each HTML element. |
116 | 131,981 | 33,893 | petitest-power_assert | Power Assert for Petitest |
117 | 132,207 | 33,893 | petitest-spec | BDD style DSL for Petitest. |
118 | 137,360 | 61,367 | faraday-lazyable | A request is never sent till a response have need. |
119 | 145,328 | 61,367 | serverkit-karabiner | Serverkit plug-in for Karabiner. |
120 | 150,220 | 61,367 | active_record-auto_writable | Automatically switch to writable role on ActiverRecord writable methods. |
121 | 150,973 | 61,367 | scheman-rails | Rails plugin for Scheman. |
122 | 152,948 | 61,367 | lambdagate | Management tool for Amazon API Gateway and Amazon Lambda. |
123 | 164,207 | 41,086 | petitest-dsl | DSL for Petitest. |
124 | 164,444 | 41,086 | petitest-assertions | Assertions for Petitest. |
125 | 164,716 | 41,086 | petitest-tap | TAP output for Petitest. |
126 | 170,818 | 61,367 | active_record-connection_proxy | Provides proxy-based connection switching logic for ActiveRecord. |
127 | 171,559 | 61,367 | action_extractor | Arguments extractor for Rails actions. |
128 | 177,664 | 61,367 | unhandled_exception_formatter | Custom RSpec formatter to output unhandled exception. |
129 | 178,861 | 16,044 | rubocop-markdown | RuboCop plugin for Ruby code blocks in Markdown. |