1 | 2,292 | 4,699 | bootstrap-will_paginate | Hooks into will_paginate to format the html to match Twitter Bootstrap styling. Extens... |
2 | 18,224 | 14,568 | css3-progress-bar-rails | Integrates Josh Sullivan's CSS3 Progress Bars into Rails and adds ActionView helpers fo... |
3 | 27,318 | 78,154 | inkling_api | Gem to interact with inkling markets API |
4 | 29,397 | 78,154 | whereabouts | Rails plugin for adding associated addresses to Active Record Models |
5 | 53,131 | 78,154 | teleportd | Ruby Wrapper Library for Teleportd API |
6 | 62,012 | 34,028 | city_grid | Ruby wrapper for CityGrid API |
7 | 167,819 | 78,154 | radt | Updated version of Ruby-ADT gem to read Advantage Database files, originally found at h... |