Dnagir's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,0775,276spinjs-railsAn animated CSS3 loading spinner with VML fallback for IE.
28,99322,297itsYou can write `its(:currency, :us) { should == 'US dollars' }`
310,14018,168ruby-haml-jsruby-haml-js provides a Tilt template that you can use to compile HAML-JS templates int...
411,06322,297allowyAllowy provides CanCan-like way of checking permission but doesn't enforce a tight DSL ...
511,08711,423guard-rails-assetsguard-rails-assets automatically generates JavaScript, CSS, Image files using Rails ass...
611,3999,752neo4j-communityThe Java Jar files for the Neo4j Community, a high performance, fully ACID transactiona...
719,70148,252neo4j-enterpriseThe Neo4j Enterprise Jar files, adding online backup and High Availability clustering –...
821,73375,392neo4j-advancedThe Java Jar files for the Neo4j Advanced edition, adding advanced monitoring – license...
926,80031,892ios-checkboxesEasily convert your checkboxes into iPhone style On/Off buttons. Use with Rails 3.1 Ass...
1036,95475,392knockout-railsInclude the knockout.js and some of its extensions so you can pick what you need. Adds ...
1164,69848,252neo4j-will_paginateIntegration between neo4j.rb and will_paginate.
1272,56175,392pakunokPakunok has a set of prepackaged assets that you can easily include into your Rails 3.1...
13108,24248,252spine-extensionsThis gem provides a set of handy extensions to Spine and Rails to make you a happier pr...
14170,28975,392event_sourcery-event_storeImplements the interface for event_sourcery to interact with Greg Young's EventStore