Bradrobertson's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,7325,613apartmentApartment allows Rack applications to deal with database multitenancy through ActiveRecord
24,2746,634apartment-sidekiqEnable Multi-tenant supported jobs to work with Sidekiq background worker
311,8998,970multiple_manMultipleMan syncs changes to ActiveRecord models via AMQP
419,39261,367inflormForm Objects with no assumptions about persistence and a clean api for associations/val...
519,52425,716plastic_wrapDecorator to help with the boilerplate of using Rails helpers. It gently wraps your cla...
621,06361,367consistent_schema_rbOrders columns from the active record adapters so the schema dumper will produce a cons...
722,59661,367consistent_schema_rb-apartmentThis allows consistent_schema_rb to be used with apartment
826,18861,367blue-shiftAmazon Redshift adapter for Sequel
990,87361,367ar_checked_migrationDetermine whether or not ActiveRecord migrations are considere...