Jpastuszek's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,44812,386cliCommand Line Interface gem allows you to quickly specify command argument parser that w...
215,52263,432httpimagestoreConfigurable S3 or file system image storage and processing HTTP API server. It is usin...
316,82013,614daemonMake calling script to become a daemon with pid file locking support and stdout/stderr ...
419,25063,432httpthumbnailerStatless HTTP server that provides API for thumbnailing images with different aspect ra...
535,93163,432httpthumbnailer-clientRuby client for HTTP API server for image thumbnailing, editing and format conversion.
637,35963,432unicorn-cuba-baseWeb application base powered by Unicorn HTTP server and based on Cuba framework extende...
746,48563,432periodic-schedulerControls execution of periodic scheduled tasks.
847,00325,458rspec-background-processRSpec and Cucumber DSL that allows definition of processes with their arguments, workin...
949,11763,432minecraftctlAllows to send messages, start and stop Minecraft server
1061,07241,916tty-process-ctlThis gem was created to enable control of interactive terminal applications. It is usin...
1181,40263,432universal-access-log-parserMeta parser that allows you to define new parser with ruby DSL to match access log file...
1293,26463,432capture-outputProvides Caputere.output, Capture.stdout and Capture.stderr methods that can be used to...
13104,23530,305s3streambackupStores data from STDIN in S3 object using multipart upload and removes oldest backups t...
14125,46463,432iis-access-log-parserClass that can read ISS log file and iterate over parsed log entries.
15136,32341,916s3-object-processorDSL tools for building programs that can process S3 object key-by-key using threaded wo...