1 | 6,004 | 19,101 | rest-assured | Real stubs and spies for HTTP(S) services |
2 | 59,427 | 61,367 | liquid-proxy | http proxy with api for modifying requests passing through |
3 | 65,843 | 14,600 | interfaceable | Strict interfaces in Ruby |
4 | 79,317 | 41,086 | strictly_fake | Stub that automatically verifies that stubbed methods exist and the signatures match th... |
5 | 100,576 | 61,367 | fixture_farm | Generate rails fixutures while browsing |
6 | 115,448 | 61,367 | fixturex | Generates a tree of "child" fixtures following (deeply) `has_many/has_one` associations. |
7 | 155,630 | 61,367 | interfacable | Strict interfaces in Ruby |
8 | 163,476 | 61,367 | vagrant-vultr2 | Vagrant plugin to use Vultr as provider |