Mattconnolly's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
130,921129,735rails-backup-migrateCreates a directory db/backup in the rails app and creates / loads YML files from there...
276,79651,488job_dispatchJob Dispatch to workers via ZeroMQ
3101,775129,735rubymine2xcode-themeA tool for converting Rubymine XML theme files into Xcode theme files
4105,75251,488dynamic_53A simple tool to update Amazon Route 53 with based on your current IP Address.
5111,98051,488zloggerThis gem provides a daemon that reads log messages from a ZeroMQ socket. Messages are f...
6134,573129,735ttcpBased on the C command line tool at
7134,596129,735porth-plistPlain Old Ruby Template PLIST handler
8141,29351,488doodooA set of tools to help with CanCan. Doodoo provides a module for use with Rails contro...
9148,999129,735restlessThe restless gem is coming soon!