Prodis's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
12,0193,469wannabe_boolIf string, numeric, symbol and nil values wanna be a boolean value, they can with the n...
27,3167,689correios-cepCorreios CEP gem finds updated Brazilian addresses by zipcode, directly from Correios d...
39,43630,305log-meLogMe is a simple way to configure log in your spec. It is especially useful when you n...
411,58741,916correios-freteCalculo de frete utilizando o Web Service dos Correios (
515,11563,432correios-sro-xmlTracking Objects System from Correios - SRO (Sistema de Rastreamento de Objetos dos Cor...
630,04563,432paypal-frete-facilCalculo de frete atraves do PayPal Frete Facil (
733,47463,432tray-checkoutTray Checkout API
8100,06825,458rails-labeled_logA tool to use Rails Tagged Logging easily in your Ruby classes.