Timcraft's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
18,9937,349mailgunnerRuby client for the Mailgun API
210,0326,501percentageRuby gem for working with percentages
314,3048,279monthRuby gem for working with months
419,90935,920formezeRuby gem for parsing and validating form data
539,11020,749homA straightforward API for generating HTML
649,65986,038minimodelA little Ruby library for defining little models
754,89126,609markababyMarkaby's little sister
871,20553,556nokoRuby client for the Noko API
972,63531,663inspectbangInspect with a bang!
1082,68086,038bundle-diffBundler plugin for showing diffs of bundled gems against latest versions
11102,35486,038quarterRuby gem for working with standard calendar quarters
12106,18653,556dbaRuby command line tool for working with development databases
1378,07833,334erubis-autoRails style output safety/escaping for Erubis
1478,33733,334duedilA Ruby wrapper for the Duedil API
1578,84133,334shortsAn SMS provider/gateway abstraction
1682,45619,310frecklesRuby client for Version 2 of the Freckle/Noko API
17101,47533,334net-http-oauthOAuth 1.0 signature algorithms for Net::HTTP requests
18107,38133,334rurlRurl is to curl as Rake is to make
19113,60733,334net-http-predicatesAdds various predicate methods to Ruby Net::HTTPResponse objects
20116,72833,334net-http-adviceAdds global before/after advice to Net::HTTP
21181,00586,038moniesRuby gem for representing monetary values