Nathancolgate's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
119,0987,048s3_swf_uploadRails 3 gem that allows you to upload files directly to S3 from your application using ...
224,17261,367fn_documentThis handles complex document creation from XML for the FASI AMS system.
337,92361,367ruby-redtailThe gem offers various methods to access the Redtail CRM API
449,53114,205oidc_providerA Rails engine for providing OpenID Connect authorization.
5111,76461,367channel_research_stationeryEmail Stationery for Channel Research Team
6119,00229,456pavement_condition_indexA ruby solution for solving Pavement Condition Index using the ASTM D6433 Standard Prac...
7171,68261,367zwea_botAn excel parsing tool.