Jmervine's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
19,26220,275diskcachedSimple disk cache for things like Sinatra which is implemented much like Memcached in h...
217,23515,060maxcdnA Rest Client For MaxCDN Rest Web Services
320,09561,367httperfrbSimple interface for calling httperf via ruby.
451,24661,367vlad-pushAdds support to Vlad for pushing files to a remote server without SCM.
553,96861,367dualitya simple cache interface to setting and getting from two caches
654,61933,893configeratorSimple module for implementing environment based configuration adapted from Pliny and f...
757,83361,367autobenchAutobench is a ruby based web page benchmarking tool, wrapping other popular utiliies. ...
865,36061,367autoperfAutoperf is a ruby driver for httperf, designed to help you automate load and performan...
969,64523,402loggeratorSimple web application extension for logging, following the 12factor pattern.
1080,27661,367yslowA Ruby wrapper for YSlow via PhantomJS
1180,86829,456mongocachedSimple mongodb based cache for things like Sinatra and Rails which is implemented much ...
1281,26129,456nesta-plugin-diskcachedA Nesta plugin for disk cacheing via diskcached.
1381,51729,456nesta-plugin-adminAn admin interface for Nesta.
1483,11261,367fluent-plugin-maskrxFluentd filter plugin to mask strings within records.
1599,54561,367vlad-statusAdds support to Vlad for checking app and web server status.
16100,59833,893nesta-plugin-sharethisAdds ShareThis features to Nesta CMS.
17101,09533,893newrelic_dataSimple utility for access NewRelic data through their RESTful API.
18113,07733,893omnistructOmniStruct: Struct Utilities -- Helpers for ClassyStruct, OpenStruct and Struct
19128,95561,367utilitybeltMy Ruby Utility Belt -- Not really intended for general use, but you're welcome to it.
20130,89241,086nesta-plugin-smartmetaGenerate http meta data from existing data, when not specified.
21132,26061,367httperfrb-grapherGraphing utility for httperfrb.
22133,35541,086nesta-plugin-google-adsAdd google ads to nesta!
23137,32061,367radiant-cache_buster-extensionCache Buster tag for Radiant CMS
24137,40941,086nesta-plugin-searchUses Ferret to search your Nesta site. Based on
25138,12261,367rack-hard-copyRack Middle to creating static copies of rendered endpoints and reload them. It equates...
26149,87941,086maxconfA sub-stack lib for configuring ruby-maxcdn using maxcli configuration method.
27161,03361,367fluent-plugin-match_counterFluentD Plugin for counting matched events via a pattern
28176,36861,367fluent-plugin-in-redisFluentd input plugin for reading events from redis.