Effata's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
129,24721,532jaraJara is a tool for building artifacts from a Git repository, and...
233,20618,351kafka-jarsGem package of Apache Kafka JARs
334,01286,038taraTara packs your Ruby app into a standalone archive with gems and a Ruby runtime
443,83820,749kafka-clients-jarsApache Kafka client jars
556,71022,512kafka-clients-jrubyNative JRuby wrappers of the Kafka producer and consumer clients
670,10586,038mongo-retrymongo-retry helper
7117,40242,025ktlktl is a tool that attempts to make it easier to manage Kafka clu...
8118,57786,038mongo_mutexA distributed lock using MongoDB as backend
9153,49653,556kafka-graphite-clients-jarsThis is the Kafka Graphite Metrics Reporter JAR wrapped in a RubyGem.