Cdunn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,20032,595aws-es-transportElasticsearch Transport for AWS V4 Signing
213,67811,903grape-jsonapi-resourcesProvides a Formatter for the Grape API DSL to emit objects serialized with jsonapi-reso...
318,71532,595toy-dynamoDynamoDB extension to toystore. Provides an ActiveModel based ORM for AWS DynamoDB.
426,20751,488dyna_modelDyanmoDB ORM on AWS::Record
547,16923,861has-activityA simple way to grab recent activity on a given model grouped by hour, day, week or mon...
647,48823,861angular-turbolinksRails Turbolinks + Angular
758,79223,861trust_htmlMake HTML trustworthy for rendering within your web app via Google HTML sanitizers. Thi...
8107,08951,488es-indexElasticsearch + toy-dynamo