Pmq2001's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
17,0225,242status-pageHealth monitoring Rails plug-in, which checks various services (db, cache, sidekiq, red...
211,79815,060mathjax-railsThis gem maintains MathJax at a system-wide directory.
313,5104,927notificationsRails mountable Notification for any applications.
420,73861,367grape-rails-routesAfter you mount Grape API routes into Rails, Grape API routes would normally not be pri...
535,75261,367homelandA new style forum for tiny community as Rails Engine. You can mount this in you apps.
644,09461,367disclosePack your Node.js project into an executable without recompiling Node.js.
769,80561,367active_administrationActive Administration is a Ruby on Rails framework for creating professional administra...
879,84923,402node-compilerCompiler for Node.js which compiles your project into a single executable.
988,27561,367activeadministrationActive Administration is a Ruby on Rails framework for creating professional administra...
1094,97733,893magic_pragmaEasily add "#pragma once" to multiple ".h" and ".hpp" and ".hxx" header files
1196,31961,367git2git commands implemented in rugged and libgit2
13103,62633,893mizarA Mizar Console with Sophisticated Reasoning Support
14105,33741,086monoEmbedding the Mono runtime into your Ruby application.
15112,26361,367ACORDA Ruby toolbox for implementing the specifications of the Association for Cooperative O...
16120,94141,086commentsComment feature for any applications's any models.
17124,69761,367ssh2httpA restricted login shell for Git-only SSH access, which delegates git pull/push request...
18124,87261,367ruby-compilerCompiler for Ruby which compiles your project into a single executable.
19139,31961,367data_moverEffectively move data from one database to another.
20145,64261,367spreadthewordAutomatically generate a release-note document based on git commit messages.
21149,60061,367innboxMountable Personal Messaging Engine for any Rails application.
22149,60061,367rabbit-slide-pmq20-tracing-a-memory-leak-in-a-long-running-eventmachine-applicationIn Huanteng Smart we manufacture smart household gadgets which all connect to a single ...
23152,27361,367timeline_fu_fuEasily build timelines, much like GitHub's news feed
25159,75341,086mailsMountable Personal Messaging Engine for any Rails application.
26164,90661,367encloseCLI Installer for Enclose.IO, the cloud-based service that compiles your application in...
27173,11861,367homeland-pmadds Personal Message service to Homeland -- a new style forum for small communities.
28175,58961,367ant-design-railsAnt Design on Rails: pairing world's best backend framework with the best frontend fram...