Itrigga's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
126,15461,367itrigga-cap_deployProvides - handy filesystem utility methods - common capistrano tasks - com...
226,20361,367itrigga-core_extAdds methods for Hash: - symbolize_keys - recursive_symbolize_keys Ar...
331,02661,367itrigga-param_fuValidates parameters to methods are present and are the required types
447,94261,367itrigga-net_helperProvides various more convenient wrappers around Net::HTTP methods
548,26841,086itrigga-admin_api_clientWraps API calls to iTrigga applications
654,34761,367itrigga-configAllows you to define default abitrary config and override per-key by loading in a YAML ...
763,70461,367itrigga-ruby19_hacksHacks & monkey patches needed to make Rails 2.3 work with ruby 1.9.2 \ * Changed bindi...
876,10161,367itrigga-file_cacheA simple file-system-based cache wrapper. The main method is 'with_cache( :cache_key=>...
976,28961,367itrigga-cacheWraps memcached with helpful methods
1095,56961,367itrigga-generatorGenerates config files from templates using information from a config yaml file