1 | 43,058 | 34,794 | rocketeer | Rocketeer is a collection of helpers for the Sinatra framework. |
2 | 45,201 | 34,794 | packmule | Packmule makes packaging projects into archives easier than ever. |
3 | 52,075 | 34,794 | blogaze | Blogaze is a simple blog powered by Ramaze and Sequel. |
4 | 97,041 | 34,794 | pacino | Simple little blog powered by Sinatra. |
5 | 119,340 | 34,794 | bugger | Project issue tracker powered by Sinatra. |
6 | 128,409 | 34,794 | heimdall | Heimdall, a permission system |
7 | 131,619 | 34,794 | foarum | Sinatra powered forum |
8 | 134,469 | 34,794 | whoisthis | Easily get the systems name by running 'whoisthis'. |
9 | 136,199 | 34,794 | milestone | Milestone |
10 | 137,064 | 34,794 | roadmap | Roadmap is a muliple project issue tracker. |