Nirix's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
142,94661,367rocketeerRocketeer is a collection of helpers for the Sinatra framework.
245,08519,101packmulePackmule makes packaging projects into archives easier than ever.
351,95361,367blogazeBlogaze is a simple blog powered by Ramaze and Sequel.
496,91233,893pacinoSimple little blog powered by Sinatra.
5119,13961,367buggerProject issue tracker powered by Sinatra.
6128,19461,367heimdallHeimdall, a permission system
7131,38861,367foarumSinatra powered forum
8134,25261,367whoisthisEasily get the systems name by running 'whoisthis'.
10136,86061,367roadmapRoadmap is a muliple project issue tracker.