Nirix's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
143,05834,794rocketeerRocketeer is a collection of helpers for the Sinatra framework.
245,20134,794packmulePackmule makes packaging projects into archives easier than ever.
352,07534,794blogazeBlogaze is a simple blog powered by Ramaze and Sequel.
497,04134,794pacinoSimple little blog powered by Sinatra.
5119,34034,794buggerProject issue tracker powered by Sinatra.
6128,40934,794heimdallHeimdall, a permission system
7131,61934,794foarumSinatra powered forum
8134,46934,794whoisthisEasily get the systems name by running 'whoisthis'.
10137,06434,794roadmapRoadmap is a muliple project issue tracker.