1 | 646 | 920 | sidekiq-cron | Enables to set jobs to be run in specified time (using CRON notation or natural language) |
2 | 4,778 | 7,147 | rake-progressbar | Easy to use, shows estimated time to finish, elapsed time, percantage, not slowing with... |
3 | 20,967 | 28,615 | sklik-api | Sklik advertising PPC api for creating campaigns and updating them when they runs |
4 | 21,327 | 28,615 | redis-model-extension | It provides functions as find, find_by_alias, get, exists?, validate, save etc. |
5 | 52,067 | 53,223 | cpu-memory-stats | Simple gem for getting information about cpu and memory usage (Mac OS X, BSD) |
6 | 52,848 | 97,699 | app-version-git | Show version number based on git commit counts and enable to show change log from commi... |
7 | 54,434 | 53,223 | useful_renderers | Adds a custom CSV and ZIP renderer to Rails applications |
8 | 54,555 | 13,921 | translation_engine | Description of TranslationEngine. |
9 | 100,222 | 97,699 | sinatra-redis-auth | Sinatra authentification with saving user data to redis |
10 | 132,353 | 97,699 | yandex-api-direct | Use JSON api on Yandex api side and automatically manages access token refresh |