Johnnyt's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
16,8757,671cowsayASCII art avatars emote your messages
229,05354,789rubiksA gem to allow defining an OLAP schema from a hash and generate an XML schema for Mondrian
336,43332,525mem_modelMemModel persists Ruby objects using MagLev as a data storage engine. It's an ActiveMod...
440,06554,789melissadataRuby wrappers around MelissaData objects
546,35454,789predicatorA secure, non-evaling condition (boolean predicate) engine for end users
664,03054,789riddlerDynamic content and workflow engine
770,92732,525vmc-sticTemporary gem built for STIC2012
889,74232,525uxidGenerates IDs like: cus_01EPEY1JMK and txn_01EPEY2P06TR1RTV07 (similar to Stripe identi...
989,75754,789outlogSTDOUT Logger
1097,29432,525nav-loggerNav's logger
11107,62054,789geohashrGeoHash - encode, decode, neighbors
12109,97932,525aas... as a service
13110,99054,789AmberRackSmalltalk brought to the web
14111,51954,789nsq-ruby-maglev-MagLev Ruby client library for NSQ
15112,55454,789rubxMulti-dimensional analytics in MagLev
16113,81654,789amber-railsRails 3 engine that exposes Amber (JS, CSS, and WebDAV)
17128,99254,789jtalk-railsRails 3 engine that exposes Jtalk (JS, CSS, and WebDAV)
18134,83232,525switcherooActiveRecord migration library to speed up schema changes for large PostgreSQL tables
19140,66132,525vizVizualize MagLev
20142,35654,789chassis_repoA collection of modules and helpers for building mantainable Ruby applications
21143,67854,789riddler_adminAdmin Rails engine for Riddler
22145,64254,789mdbeExplore and modify objects in MagLev.
23146,76632,525bugsnag-maglev-Ruby notifier for
24148,24032,525geocellData structure using GeoHash
25150,39054,789tectonic(Infra)structure for a 12 factor app.
26155,41854,789schema_repoA REST service to store Avro schemas
27166,22032,525staartSTAtechARTs in Ruby
28168,47654,789statifierStatecharts in Ruby