1 | 6,875 | 7,671 | cowsay | ASCII art avatars emote your messages |
2 | 29,053 | 54,789 | rubiks | A gem to allow defining an OLAP schema from a hash and generate an XML schema for Mondrian |
3 | 36,433 | 32,525 | mem_model | MemModel persists Ruby objects using MagLev as a data storage engine. It's an ActiveMod... |
4 | 40,065 | 54,789 | melissadata | Ruby wrappers around MelissaData objects |
5 | 46,354 | 54,789 | predicator | A secure, non-evaling condition (boolean predicate) engine for end users |
6 | 64,030 | 54,789 | riddler | Dynamic content and workflow engine |
7 | 70,927 | 32,525 | vmc-stic | Temporary gem built for STIC2012 |
8 | 89,742 | 32,525 | uxid | Generates IDs like: cus_01EPEY1JMK and txn_01EPEY2P06TR1RTV07 (similar to Stripe identi... |
9 | 89,757 | 54,789 | outlog | STDOUT Logger |
10 | 97,294 | 32,525 | nav-logger | Nav's logger |
11 | 107,620 | 54,789 | geohashr | GeoHash - encode, decode, neighbors |
12 | 109,979 | 32,525 | aas | ... as a service |
13 | 110,990 | 54,789 | AmberRack | Smalltalk brought to the web |
14 | 111,519 | 54,789 | nsq-ruby-maglev- | MagLev Ruby client library for NSQ |
15 | 112,554 | 54,789 | rubx | Multi-dimensional analytics in MagLev |
16 | 113,816 | 54,789 | amber-rails | Rails 3 engine that exposes Amber (JS, CSS, and WebDAV) |
17 | 128,992 | 54,789 | jtalk-rails | Rails 3 engine that exposes Jtalk (JS, CSS, and WebDAV) |
18 | 134,832 | 32,525 | switcheroo | ActiveRecord migration library to speed up schema changes for large PostgreSQL tables |
19 | 140,661 | 32,525 | viz | Vizualize MagLev |
20 | 142,356 | 54,789 | chassis_repo | A collection of modules and helpers for building mantainable Ruby applications |
21 | 143,678 | 54,789 | riddler_admin | Admin Rails engine for Riddler |
22 | 145,642 | 54,789 | mdbe | Explore and modify objects in MagLev. |
23 | 146,766 | 32,525 | bugsnag-maglev- | Ruby notifier for bugsnag.com |
24 | 148,240 | 32,525 | geocell | Data structure using GeoHash |
25 | 150,390 | 54,789 | tectonic | (Infra)structure for a 12 factor app. |
26 | 155,418 | 54,789 | schema_repo | A REST service to store Avro schemas |
27 | 166,220 | 32,525 | staart | STAtechARTs in Ruby |
28 | 168,476 | 54,789 | statifier | Statecharts in Ruby |