1 | 7,546 | 9,321 | em-eventsource | em-eventsource is an eventmachine library to consume Server-Sent Events streaming API.
... |
2 | 10,920 | 11,600 | jsondiff | Generate a JSON Patch from 2 ruby hash |
3 | 16,151 | 10,574 | cleantalk | Talk to cleantalk.org API for antispam |
4 | 32,861 | 15,327 | kramdown-prismic | A Kramdown converter to convert documents into prismic rich text format and the other w... |
5 | 58,262 | 86,038 | nanoc-sprockets | Use sprockets as a datasource for nanoc. |
6 | 61,938 | 86,038 | sinatra-geckoboard | A little Sinatra extension to expose data nicely to Geckoboard. |
7 | 79,617 | 86,038 | nanoc-snippet | Show a snippet of one nanoc item |
8 | 81,455 | 86,038 | omniauth-base | OmniAuth strategy for Base. |
9 | 89,858 | 86,038 | em-ucengine | A library for U.C.Engine, powered by EventMachine |
10 | 90,137 | 86,038 | omniauth-stormz | Official OmniAuth strategy for Stormz. |
11 | 93,756 | 86,038 | nanoc-embed | All to embed many type of content directly in your page. |
12 | 100,082 | 53,556 | unified-redis | An unified redis interface for redis-rb and em-redis. |
13 | 110,789 | 53,556 | nanoc-algolia | Index items from nanoc site to algolia |
14 | 130,264 | 86,038 | nanoc-search | Index items from nanoc site |
15 | 131,109 | 86,038 | org2daily | This rubygem does not have a description or summary. |
16 | 131,581 | 86,038 | readminator | Improve your README |
17 | 143,549 | 86,038 | refile-filesystem-hashed | Refile backend that's based on `Refile::Backend::FileSystem` and stores files in sub-di... |