1 | 18,048 | 16,135 | spidy | web spider dsl |
2 | 68,806 | 26,412 | botz | web bot crawling dsl |
3 | 75,511 | 33,975 | git-wip | Automation create ( work in progress pull-request ) |
4 | 81,287 | 18,196 | view_component_scoped_css | Inspired by the css in js component, it provides functionality to allow the same
co... |
5 | 83,101 | 33,975 | mongoid-refile | Allow MongoID to play nicely with refile |
6 | 90,338 | 17,577 | sf_connect | A gem for integrating ActiveRecord and Salesforce using Restforce |
7 | 113,786 | 24,029 | current_session | This is a minimal implementation to provide the current_user method in the action contr... |
8 | 161,890 | 91,749 | nbsp | When writing html template with "Rails", provide helper method to be used when adjustin... |
9 | 170,539 | 39,523 | menuable | This library provides menu.yml and controller macros to manage routes and sidebar imple... |