Aileron's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,04816,135spidyweb spider dsl
268,80626,412botzweb bot crawling dsl
375,51133,975git-wipAutomation create ( work in progress pull-request )
481,28718,196view_component_scoped_cssInspired by the css in js component, it provides functionality to allow the same co...
583,10133,975mongoid-refileAllow MongoID to play nicely with refile
690,33817,577sf_connectA gem for integrating ActiveRecord and Salesforce using Restforce
7113,78624,029current_sessionThis is a minimal implementation to provide the current_user method in the action contr...
8161,89091,749nbspWhen writing html template with "Rails", provide helper method to be used when adjustin...
9170,53939,523menuableThis library provides menu.yml and controller macros to manage routes and sidebar imple...