Zachahn's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
125,96080,049munge== Documentation Documentation for this release is located in
228,89180,049superA simple, powerful, zero dependency Rails admin framework
331,5829,483rails_anonymous_controller_testingRails test helpers for testing anonymous controllers (Minitest only!)
448,94580,049super_test_engineA thing to help test Super
567,92246,897ahnnotateAhnnotate comments on your ActiveRecord models with their respective schemas!
678,09146,897the_bath_of_zahnThese are some Rubocop configs that I use in my new personal projects
778,44026,098who_am_iTable schema reminders in the model
838,14025,542begetQuick & dirty (html) page creation using Tilt
982,52680,049fixer_upperSimple interface for template engines
1099,62961,626lmkplzFilesystem watcher
11116,06230,826confinementStatic site generator for when you're stuck at home
12127,44980,049zachtive_admahnZach Ahn's "clone" of ActiveAdmin
13127,60846,897decayEnsure that all values in an enum are covered
14153,87846,897disqualifiedA background job processor tuned for SQLite
15154,37061,626proc_partyProcParty makes classes with a #call method act like procs. Documentation for this rele...
16165,45661,626pocoburStarting with a "good" Ruby file, generate the a config
17166,250163,113super-professionalJust a placeholder for potential addons for super!
18166,372163,113super-enterpriseJust a placeholder for potential addons for super!
19175,15034,466chunky_projectsConverts Textile to HTML. Wraps the Rustextile crate.
20178,699163,113sherbetA Sorbet shim
21180,521163,113rubocop-no_sorbetEnsure no Sorbet definitions