Gregors's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
14,60641,916boilerpipe-rubyA pure ruby implementation of the boilerpipe web content extraction algorithm
214,42912,386rickshawGet MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512 hashes easily
341,10563,432mysql_rake_tasksA collection of rails rake tasks for mysql.
446,88563,432jruby-boilerpipeJava8 compiled - latest boilerpipe-2.0-SNAPSHOT - including all dependencies
575,56963,432graphml2jsonConvert graphml to json for D3 use
685,80363,432grandI needed randn from numpy in ruby.
786,32663,432twitter4j4rA thin, woefully inadequate wrapper around
892,29163,432bad_encodingHelp find the invalid characters in bad encodings.
995,89163,432standard_draw_tkRuby TK version of Princeton's Standard Draw. A basic graphics drawing library.
10148,35063,432capslockSupports only Linux so far.
11171,60541,916princeton_standard_librariesSimple jruby wrapper around the original java lib
12174,20541,916princeton_standard_libs-rubyA pure ruby port of the Princeton standard libraries.