1 | 22,554 | 20,248 | ninoxe | This library provides a model to navigate through Chouette database. |
2 | 27,119 | 44,005 | rgeo-kml | RGeo is a geospatial data library for Ruby. RGeo::Kml is an optional RGeo module provid... |
3 | 33,605 | 53,644 | georuby-ext | Use together GeoRuby, Rgeo, Geokit, Proj4j (and others) |
4 | 37,166 | 84,493 | dr-ffi-proj4 | An ffi wrapper for the PROJ.4 Cartographic Projections library. |
5 | 41,896 | 60,549 | map_layers | library dedicated to generate OSM javascript |
6 | 55,078 | 53,644 | shortest_path | A* ruby implementation to find shortest path and map |
7 | 62,984 | 60,549 | language_engine | Rails engine to support language change. |
8 | 63,757 | 147,291 | dr-postgis_adapter | Execute PostGIS functions on Active Record |
9 | 69,637 | 53,644 | user_interface | User Interface for all our web site. |
10 | 69,682 | 147,291 | acts_as_tree-1.8 | A gem that adds simple support for organizing ActiveRecord models into parentâchildre... |
11 | 90,504 | 147,291 | active_road | Import openstreetmap datas and make an itinerary research |
12 | 110,811 | 147,291 | dr-apartment | Apartment allows Rails applications to deal with database multitenancy |