1 | 6,012 | 5,434 | link_thumbnailer | Ruby gem generating thumbnail images from a given URL. |
2 | 6,541 | 5,370 | image_info | ImageInfo finds the size and type of a single or multiple images from the web by fetchi... |
3 | 9,219 | 12,620 | faraday_middleware-circuit_breaker | A Faraday Middleware to handle spotty web services. |
4 | 9,820 | 24,639 | grape-attack | A middleware for Grape to add endpoint-specific throttling. |
5 | 16,332 | 10,837 | dashing-rails | The exceptionally handsome dashboard framework for Rails. |
6 | 28,598 | 75,392 | grape-knock | Use Knock with Grape. |
7 | 40,272 | 31,892 | re_captcha | Google reCaptcha helpers and verifier |
8 | 58,480 | 75,392 | rails_event_store_mongoid | Implementation of events repository based on Mongoid for Rails Event Store' |
9 | 69,188 | 75,392 | minos | Easy and repeatable Kubernetes deployment based on Docker images |
10 | 114,388 | 37,438 | dashing-hotness | Dashing widget that changes the widget's color depending on the value displayed |
11 | 118,417 | 75,392 | grape-kong | Use Kong OAuth2 Authentication with Grape. |
12 | 131,858 | 37,438 | dashing-newrelic | Dashing-Rails widget that display newrelic metrics |
13 | 133,857 | 37,438 | dashing-semaphore | Dashing widget that display build status of project on Semaphore CI |
14 | 153,486 | 37,438 | beez | Simple, efficient ruby workers for Zeebe business processes. |