1 | 7,345 | 29,456 | awful | AWS cmdline and yaml loader. |
2 | 18,190 | 61,367 | auger | Auger: test-driven ops |
3 | 19,775 | 33,893 | stax | Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks. |
4 | 19,899 | 10,745 | slackbotsy | Ruby bot for Slack chat. |
5 | 26,239 | 41,086 | slackcat | Upload a file to Slack chat |
6 | 27,849 | 33,893 | opsgenie-send | Minimalist ruby library to send alerts and heartbeats to Opsgenie. |
7 | 45,606 | 41,086 | stax-helm | Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks. |
8 | 73,273 | 61,367 | coreos_ami | Discover CoreOS AMIs. |
9 | 77,692 | 61,367 | argus-builder | Docker image builder for AWS Elastic Container Registry. |
10 | 82,444 | 61,367 | atomics_resource | Model Atomics (MySQL over HTTP) records for ruby and rails projects |
11 | 84,293 | 61,367 | host_range | Allows specification of hostname ranges such as foo-[01-09]. |
12 | 87,667 | 41,086 | capistrano-influxdb | Capistrano v3 task for reporting deploys to InfluxDB |
13 | 102,727 | 61,367 | stax-examples | Stax example stacks and generators for cloudformation templates. |
14 | 106,080 | 61,367 | resque_cmdline | resque_cmdline: simple command-line client for resque workers |
15 | 139,384 | 61,367 | stax-datadog | Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for wrangling your cloudformation stacks. |
16 | 161,440 | 41,086 | congress_api | Simple API wrapper for https://propublica.github.io/congress-api-docs/#congress-api-doc... |
17 | 172,189 | 61,367 | awry | gem |
18 | 177,167 | 61,367 | stax-lint | Stax is a flexible set of ruby classes for cloudformation stacks: stax-lint adds suppor... |