Jonathanccalixto's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
134,78455,867yano-jquery-railsThis gem provides jQuery, jQuery and the jQuery-ujs driver for your Rails 4+ application.
245,91955,867yano-backbone-railsThis gem provides UnderscoreJS, BackboneJS and MarionetteJS for your Rails 4+ application
357,29455,867yano-bootstrap-railsThis gem provides Twitter Bootstrap and Fort Font-Awesome assets for your Rais 4+ appli...
475,46255,867easy_validatablecustom validators to improve the lives of developers
591,59155,867devise_inactivatableThis is a simple, however wonderful devise extension to activate and inactivate users a...
6160,06555,867rocket-ruby-sdkRocket Ruby SDK to Rocket API, with this SDK you can create invoices and retrieve invoi...
7182,56755,867devise_expirableThis is a simple, however wonderful devise extension to expire user password.