Parker's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
11,1371,426jekyllJekyll is a simple, blog aware, static site generator.
21,3031,514jekyll-sass-converterA basic Sass converter for Jekyll.
31,3351,619mercenaryLightweight and flexible library for writing command-line apps in Ruby.
41,3681,672jekyll-watchRebuild your Jekyll site when a file changes with the `--watch` switch.
51,3741,666coloratorColorize your text in the terminal.
61,5322,614tomlParse your TOML, seriously.
71,7591,707jekyll-feedA Jekyll plugin to generate an Atom feed of your Jekyll posts
81,8541,880jekyll-seo-tagA Jekyll plugin to add metadata tags for search engines and social networks to better i...
91,8971,962jekyll-sitemapAutomatically generate a sitemap.xml for your Jekyll site.
102,0232,041jekyll-paginateBuilt-in Pagination Generator for Jekyll
112,2882,197minimaA beautiful, minimal theme for Jekyll.
122,3282,357jekyll-redirect-fromSeamlessly specify multiple redirection URLs for your pages and posts
132,4192,461jekyll-gistLiquid tag for displaying GitHub Gists in Jekyll sites.
142,6122,812jekyll-coffeescriptA CoffeeScript converter for Jekyll.
152,6242,513jemojiGitHub-flavored emoji plugin for Jekyll
162,7552,717jekyll-github-metadataThe site.github namespace
172,8982,954jekyll-mentions@mention support for your Jekyll site
182,9792,842jekyll-avatarA Jekyll plugin for rendering GitHub avatars
193,2162,850jekyll-commonmarkCommonMark generator for Jekyll
203,9793,572classifier-rebornA general classifier module to allow Bayesian and other types of classifications.
214,4393,598jekyll-archivesAutomatically generate post archives by dates, tags, and categories.
228,1166,150jekyll-composeStreamline your writing in Jekyll with these commands.
238,96812,378octopress-hooksAllows access to Jekyll's site, posts and pages at different points in the life cycle o...
2410,38517,577jekyll-importProvides the Import command for Jekyll.
2510,44933,975octopressOctopress is an obsessively designed framework for Jekyll blogging. It’s easy to config...
2610,57716,519capistrano-slack-notifyMinimalist Capistrano 2 notifier for Slack.
2715,79645,802jekyll-textile-converterTextile converter for Jekyll.
2816,57817,042jekyll_test_pluginA test plugin for Jekyll's 'gem' config option
2916,67614,346jekyll_test_plugin_maliciousA malicious gem for Jekyll (for testing)
3017,79829,595jekyll-docsOffline usage documentation for Jekyll.
3120,61616,519octopress-paginateA nice and simple paginator for Jekyll sites.
3227,27712,490rubocop-jekyllA RuboCop extension to enforce common code style in Jekyll and Jekyll plugins
3328,70491,749tita stupid fucking twitter client
3445,10324,029jekyll-html-pipelineThis is a custom Markdown processor for Jekyll 2.0 and above. It allows you to use GitH...
3548,48639,523hoosegowHoosegow provides an RPC layer on top of Docker containers so that you can isolate unsa...
3661,31165,500compass-cornell-pluginA Compass plugin for the creation of Cornell University-branded websites.
3771,16991,749ebooksGenerate your own horse_ebooks for fun and for profit
3875,43491,749jekyll-opalLet Jekyll convert your Ruby into JavaScript using Opal.
3985,60953,348git-merge-prMerge a pull request on from the command-line.
4093,62520,987compass-leacocksA Compass plugin for the creation of Leacock's-branded websites.
41116,39545,802squad_goalsA tiny app to allow open-source contributors to opt-in to GitHub teams.
42116,80753,348link-rewriter-filterA filter to rewrite links so that files can be viewable on GitHub and a static server
43140,50591,749tockIt's a parser for TOML written in Ruby.
44143,33291,749jekyll-alt-urlsSeamlessly specify multiple redirection URLs for your pages and posts
45146,08091,749jekyll-filesystem-jailHow Jekyll accesses your file system (safely).
46163,77965,500jekyll-serveThe `jekyll serve` command.