Da99's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
118,85535,677CheckedVarious DSLs to clean, question (Ask), and validate (Demand) your objects, their clas...
225,04728,543Dex_RackIt is a web-frontend for Dex. Update and view exceptions logged with the Dex gem.
325,61535,677DahistoryCompares file to other files in specified dir(s) and backups if it does not exist.
426,31324,889DexA simple function to log errors to sqlite3.
528,34735,677Chef_Solo_NodesUse with Chef-Solo. Grabs node info as array of Hashes or String ips.
634,21459,086dot_whyUse of Erector to generate various types of templates.
734,35835,677Exit_ZeroObsolete. Use gem 'Exit_0' instead.
836,21528,543escape_escape_escapeMy way of escaping/encoding HTML with the proper entities.
937,22935,677www_appA DSL to create HTML/CSS/JS apps using Ruby.
1040,44459,086duck_duck_duckI use it to keep track of various mini-apps within a larger app.
1149,18259,086ShortyAdd before/after hooks to your method calls. More info. at the homepage.
1249,77922,467i_dig_sqlYou probably want another gem: arel. Use that to generate SQL using Ruby. This gem ...
1352,34059,086Bacon_Coloredrequire "bacon"; require "Bacon_Colored";
1452,44659,086Thin_UpstreamsA Ruby gem to generate .conf files with upstreams to include in your nginx.conf. It...
1553,38959,086Bacon_FS_MatchersCustom matchers for Bacon when dealing with the file system. \ Includes matchers: a_fi...
1654,34159,086about_posWhenever I loop through an array, there are times I wish I could know what comes be...
1754,44459,086Bacon_RackProvides helpers for your Bacon specs using rack-test: :renders, :redirects_to, :re...
1858,38235,677CheeSend commands through SSH, but using a tty/pty and STDIN. That's right: Interactive...
1958,90259,086Thin_UpstartGenerates Upstart conf files for your Thin apps. Uses Mustache templates for custom...
2061,25859,086Get_SetCreates instance method that can both get or set an instance variable. It's like sq...
2164,59859,086Exit_0A simple method that runs a child process and raises Exit_0::Non_0 if $?.exitstatus...
2267,84659,086datokiMy way of dealing with postgresql 9.3+ databases.
2372,13559,086DatagPrint out your previous/next git tags: Datag.next, Datag.previous.
2474,08535,677da99_rack_protectVarious rack middlewares I use for projects. I got tired of copying/pasting the sam...
2576,47335,677Http_Error_LogTurns your error.log from a server into a Ruby data structure. Read me at the homep...
2683,28259,086touch_upProvides italics, strikes, bold, and links. Nothing else.
2786,83559,086WaltParse lines and blockquotes. (No paragraphs.)
2890,03835,677Classy_NameDo you like non-standard camel-case strings? (e.g. Camel_Case_Me)
2992,44359,086Git_RepoHelpers to manipulate Git Repos
3093,90959,086Exceptional_LogTurn your log files into exceptions. The contents are used as a backtrace.
3195,57759,086Method_NameA Ruby gem to turn strings into method names for your metaprogramming needs.
3295,68435,677moron_textIt won't be useful for you. It is meant to be used with the WWW_App gem.
3397,16159,086Split_LinesA function that splits a string into an Array of stripped, non-empty lines: S...
34100,31235,677Update_Site_CookbooksThis gem automates updating all your cookbooks installed with: "knife cookbook sit...
35104,13759,086Jam_FuncRun a group of functions with flow control.
36106,44859,086BashyGenerate Bash code for common tasks (creating files/dirs, chmod-ing, chown-ing, etc).
37114,15635,677Bacon_FSMatches for Bacon related to the file system. "~/.bashrc".should.be file
38114,95959,086uga_ugaIt takes in a String and gives you back a stupid data structure of commands, blocks...
39116,10559,086Backtrace_ArrayCheck the homepage because I can't describe it probably here.
40137,54635,677akuiAutomate testing code on the browser by using Rack middleware to include JS testing...
41144,69259,086boxomojoAn internal DSL for creating/managing Hashes and Arrays. You will not use it since ...
42148,16059,086okdoki_sql_ladderA gem that uses the i_dig_sql gem to generate SQL strings. You can it an instance a...