Ainame's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
110,7099,393explain_parserParser for result of EXPLAIN of MySQL see:
215,66726,609rixiRixi is a simply library for mixi graph api in Ruby.
326,52886,038mediakitmediakit is the libraries for ffmpeg and sox backed media manipulation something. you c...
433,60642,025dlibRuby bindings of dlib C++ library.
598,25035,920katakanaizeKatakanaize is a rack middleware to convert hiragana to katakana.
6104,48853,556motion-my_envmotion-my_env is a simple enviroment managing solution on RubyMotion app. motion-my_env...
7128,61286,038activerecord-bit_fieldActiverecord::BitField provide a feature of mapping bit fileds to RDB table in ActiveRe...
8139,47186,038pebbles-suddenly_deathThis is joke gem. When this include into some class, that will suddenly raising error.