Kitaitimakoto's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
1527436tomlrbA racc based toml parser
22,9102,006pathname-common_prefixThis file provides `Pathname.common_prefix` and `Pathname#common_prefix` which calculat...
310,0147,207epub-parserParse EPUB 3 book loosely
415,9347,346epub-cfiParser and builder implementation for EPUB CFI defined at
529,98061,367epub-makerThis library supports making and editing EPUB books
640,83461,367css_inlinerinline CSS from external file(s) and/or style elment(s) in head element into style ...
745,60261,367rack-archive-zip-extractRack::Archive::Zip::Extract serves files in zip archives.
847,36861,367rubygems-yardocProvides a "gem yardoc" command which generates YARD documentations for specified gems
947,61629,456optparse-rangeThis RubyGem allows standard bundled `OptionParser` to accept option arguments as `Rang...
1050,31561,367rss-atom-feed_historyEnables standard bundled RSS library parse and make feeds including "Feed Paging and Ar...
1152,65161,367epub-searchProvides tool and library of full text search for EPUB books
1253,12116,044pirkaPirka highlights source code syntax in EPUB books
1356,43661,367rss-dctermsEnables standard bundled RSS library parse and make feeds including DCMI(Dublin Core Me...
1471,88941,086epub-directoryBuilds EPUB directory static site from EPUB files, package documents or Web Publication...
1575,88261,367futureshopfutureshop APIv2 client and tools
1678,10861,367uri-urnThis library adds URN scheme support for standard bundled URI library described in RFC ...
1786,34161,367rss-opdsOPDS parser and maker
1888,00661,367rss-nokogiriEnable starndard bundled RSS library to use Nokogiri as a parser.
1998,08361,367whatlangRuby bindings for Whatlang, a natural language detection for Rust.
20105,30961,367git-prune-remote-branchDelete all remote branches which merged into master or develop.
21107,15261,367uri-tagThis library extends standard bundled URI library to parse and build tag scheme URI def...
22112,36333,893nokogiri-xml-rangeNokogiri DOM Range Implementatin based on DOM Standard specification.
23117,97361,367rouge-lexers-fluentdRouge lexer for fluentd configuration files
24118,91033,893middleman-web_componentsMiddleman extension which provides a helper and execute vulcanize for Web Components
25119,93333,893middleman-blog-similar-groongaMiddleman extension to list similar pages using Groonga
26130,40241,086optparse-pathnameMake Pathname class one of options OptionParser's option can accept
27136,02341,086optparse-offAdd a functionality which remove options already added to OptionParser
28155,59361,367itamae-plugin-resource-security_contextItamae resource plugin to handle with SELinux security context.
29157,26361,367rouge-lexers-dockerParses and markups Dockerfiles.
30172,14461,367bibi-cliCommand-line tools to work with Bibi, incliding bibi publish which uploads EPUB files t...
31182,90861,367karRake utilities such as task to download, DSL to define multiple tasks at onece, etc.