Cracell's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
139,98319,023when_sunWhenSun is a RubyGem for calculating the sunrise and sunset for locations based on the ...
257,69220,191sendgrid-enphaseThis gem allows simple integration between ActionMailer and SendGrid. ...
359,557151,891csvscan-enphaseThis is a packaged version of CSVScan, written by MoonWolf. If you can read Japanese, c...
476,699151,891enphase-arturoEnphase specific fork. Deploy features incrementally to your users
577,333151,891enphase-carmenFork of Carmen with a few behaviour changes. Carmen is a collection of geographic count...
681,06275,401state-of-zipRails Engine that returns a US State code that a given zip code's sectional center faci...