1 | 3,120 | 3,591 | zip | zip is a Ruby library for reading and writing Zip files. Unlike the official rubyzip, z... |
2 | 3,578 | 4,274 | couchrest | CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as ... |
3 | 8,155 | 10,759 | couchrest_model | CouchRest Model provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest Document class su... |
4 | 13,827 | 15,711 | hashme | Modeling with Hashes made easy. |
5 | 23,568 | 27,104 | restfulness | Simple REST server that focuses on resources instead of routes. |
6 | 24,262 | 53,644 | will_paginate_couchrest | generate views specifically with support for using will_paginate with them |
7 | 49,163 | 28,212 | bulksms | Send SMS text messages via the BulkSMS API. |
8 | 52,043 | 147,291 | couchrest_extended_document | CouchRest::ExtendedDocument provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest::Docu... |
9 | 54,297 | 53,644 | samlown-couchrest_extended_document | CouchRest::ExtendedDocument provides aditional features to the standard CouchRest::Docu... |
10 | 63,796 | 60,549 | samlown-couchrest | CouchRest provides a simple interface on top of CouchDB's RESTful HTTP API, as well as ... |
11 | 68,734 | 60,549 | translate_columns | Automatically translate ActiveRecord columns using a second model containing the transl... |
12 | 83,692 | 147,291 | active_merchant_sermepa | Add support to ActiveMerchant for the Sermepa payment gateway by Servired used by many ... |
13 | 85,421 | 23,369 | prawn-attachment | Attach files to Prawn generated PDFs according to PDF/A-3 |
14 | 89,349 | 147,291 | couchrest_localised_properties | Add support to CouchRest Model for localised properties. |
15 | 125,490 | 107,887 | samlown-carrierwave | * RDoc Documentation {available at Rubyforge}[http://carrierwave.rubyforge.org/rdoc].
*... |
16 | 141,216 | 147,291 | couch_tap | Couch Tap provides a DSL that allows complex CouchDB documents to be converted into row... |