1 | 2,346 | 2,397 | quantile | Graham Cormode and S. Muthukrishnan's Effective Computation of Biased Quantiles over Da... |
2 | 2,947 | 4,514 | lhm | Migrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol... |
3 | 20,711 | 26,609 | simple_circuit_breaker | Simple Ruby implementation of the Circuit Breaker design pattern |
4 | 35,849 | 21,532 | master_slave_adapter_soundcloud | (MySQL) Replication Aware Master/Slave Database Adapter for Rails/ActiveRecord |
5 | 36,782 | 21,532 | knife-update | A small collection of knife plugins to ease the process of safely updating chef in a se... |
6 | 42,832 | 26,609 | master_slave_adapter | (MySQL) Replication Aware Master/Slave Database Adapter for ActiveRecord |
7 | 54,471 | 26,609 | large-hadron-migrator | Migrate large tables without downtime by copying to a temporary table in chunks. The ol... |
8 | 55,440 | 24,968 | knife-scrub | Collection of knife plugins to remove orphaned objects from chef-server |
9 | 80,519 | 86,038 | soundcloud2000 | The next generation SoundCloud client |
10 | 176,761 | 86,038 | gigs-ruby | Gigs API Ruby client - Placeholder |