1 | 13,417 | 51,488 | dalliance | Background processing for ActiveRecord using a 'delayable' worker and a state_machine |
2 | 27,467 | 51,488 | her-webmock | Easier request stubbing for Her::Model with webmock. |
3 | 27,902 | 51,488 | acts_as_span | ActiveRecord model w/ a start_date and an end_date == ActsAsSpan |
4 | 49,243 | 51,488 | csv_to_xls | A CLI wrapper around the 'spreadsheet' gem to convert a CSV input file into an XLS outp... |
5 | 72,101 | 20,172 | date_as_string | Treat an ActiveRecord Date column as a String |
6 | 168,418 | 51,488 | resque-batch | Adds methods for working with Batch Jobs |