1 | 948 | 2,792 | fog-openstack | OpenStack fog provider gem. |
2 | 1,049 | 3,191 | fog-rackspace | Rackspace provider gem for Fog |
3 | 8,737 | 11,041 | weekdays | Provides methods to work with 'weekdays' (ie. 5.weekdays_ago) |
4 | 20,839 | 27,328 | restful_acl | A Ruby on Rails plugin that provides fine grained access control to RESTful resources. |
5 | 32,533 | 46,777 | scribd_fu | A Rails gem that streamlines interactions with the Scribd service |
6 | 41,587 | 37,265 | placeholder | Easy image placeholders via Placehold.it |
7 | 63,489 | 53,263 | mq | A Rails gem that generates an MVC stack that does email queuing |
8 | 79,881 | 77,965 | lorem_ipsum | A simple Lorem Ipsum generator for Rails3 |
9 | 102,724 | 68,530 | acts_as_video_fu | Rails plugin that easily allows you to show video streams on your site. |
10 | 115,543 | 53,263 | carina | Easily bootstrap Rails on Rackspace's Carina |
11 | 153,719 | 117,678 | rackconnect | API Wrapper for RackConnect v3 service from Rackspace |
12 | 157,801 | 97,080 | to_elixir | Easily convert your existing Ruby/Rails API to Elixir/Phoenix! |