Banyan's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
15,88611,752fluent-plugin-filter_keysFluentd plugin to filter if a specific key is present or not in event logs.
25,0526,588sbpaymentA client library for sbpayment (SB Payment Service) written in Ruby.
328,15026,609rack-envload environment variables from .env or specified file.
439,95953,556string-ircadd color codes for mIRC compatible client
567,28353,556git-modifiedA Git subcommand to list modified files in git commit
672,79886,038chef-cookerchef-cooker will be able to create cookbook of Chef easily. yay ;)
781,56886,038rack-middleware-google-imagerack middleware to response any image file via google search
892,68086,038gh_contribShow contributions of GitHub.
995,89142,025guard-markdown2impressGuard::Markdown2Impress automatically runs markdown2impress commands when watched files...
10121,27586,038rack-faviconrack middleware to handle favicon
11122,13853,556i18n_lazy_lookup_generatorA Rails generator plugin & gem that generates Rails I18n lazy lookup locale files.
12139,54386,038rspec-formatter-antipopAlways think antipop
13139,94053,556hato-plugin-hipchatHato plugin to send messages via HipChat
14153,46886,038git-changedA Git subcommand to list modified files in git commit
15171,64486,038webpacker_ejectorEject webpacker