Benpickles's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
146,54361,367js-model-railsWork with models in your JavaScript in your Rails
248,58361,367fewerFewer is a Rack endpoint to bundle and cache assets and help you make fewer HTTP reques...
352,34221,627static_associationStaticAssociation adds a simple enum type that can act like an ActiveRecord association...
478,55319,101operaticA minimal standard interface for your operations
5115,76661,367contentzContentz (pronounced "content zee") is an ActiveRecord extension that uses Zlib to comp...
6150,69620,275parklifeConvert a Rack app into a static HTML site.
7175,33725,716phlex-sinatraA Phlex adapter for Sinatra
8180,14861,367decantA dependency-free frontmatter-aware framework-agnostic wrapper around a directory of st...