Caleon's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
112,1108,052justoolsCore extensions with lots of handy methods
262,68951,280significanceSimilar in behavior to Object#presence defined in ActiveSupport, Significance is a ...
371,40951,280core_utilitiesCore extensions with lots of handy methods
499,04251,280quarter_systemClass Quarter for handling with the division of a calendar year into an arbitrary group...
5102,93251,280schrodingers-catThe Schrodinger's Cat gem is a library that boasts neither novelty or ingenuity, ju...
6106,87451,280personhoodWhen you are tired of coding the same kinds of things for your User model (or any o...
7132,95851,280schrodingerThe Schrodinger's Cat gem is a library that boasts neither novelty or ingeunity, just t...
8139,94451,280quickeningQuickening is a Rails gem for adding to your model a facility to query and manage dupli...