Vanstee's Gems

#Total RankDaily RankNameSummary
13,8373,805grocerGrocer interfaces with the Apple Push Notification Service to...
24,7875,596zonebieRuns your tests in a random timezone
324,70951,488cog-rbCog command helper library
450,30151,488hovercraftGenerate a RESTful API from a directory of ActiveRecord models
567,61351,488shivShiv is a quick and dirty hack to use chef node names in place of their hostnames.
6103,04432,595velcroManage your dependencies with homebrew like you manage your gems with bundler
7105,233129,735termapinatorConvert google maps to ascii for great fun! :zap: :boom: :heart:
8113,44751,488helpfulOfficial Helpful API library client for ruby
9126,09751,488flintFlint is a simple Campfire client heavily inspired by the blather gem